Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Birth of Cuddles&Chai

Yes! I have finally started a blog after months of saying "Tomorrow, I shall begin writing one". Writing has always been an outlet for me (whether it be writing down my every thought or creating an elaborate tale). After years of keeping my written words to myself, I've decided it is time to share my thoughts with whomever is interested. I look forward to writing on this blog and hope you get excited to read it as well. I was planning to keep this post short and sweet, but figured it might be good to share my plans for Cuddles&Chai.

I plan on writing in a variety of areas - mostly all are centered around a lifestyle theme. After this first post, I will be posting every Sunday. There are categories for each post:
1) My Personal Library - I will write reviews on books I have read, give suggestions, discuss events I have experienced with meeting any authors, and have my favorite books suggested to you.
2) Penny For My Thoughts - As cliche and obvious as it sounds, this category is where I will post my personal pieces of work. It may be poems or short stories, paintings or drawings, DIY's, or videos/photographs I have taken.
3) Ultimate Lists - This is self-explanatory. Lists of lists will be listed in the Ultimate Lists section (how many times can I say list in one sentence, am I right?). These will consist of favorite beauty products, movies, drinks, blogs, etc. Anything I feel like making a list about will be in this section.
4) Cooked With Love - Homemade recipes that have been passed down through the years will make an appearance on Cuddles&Chai, because if you don't have food cooked with love then you don't have a life lived flavor.
5) Miscellaneous - Finally, the fifth and last section is a mash of all the previous categories that couldn't be applied to only one or a post that has nothing to do with any of the labels listed above.

I would like to end this post by explaining why I chose to name this blog Cuddles&Chai. It is fairly simple. They are two of my favorite things. Cuddling and snuggling is cozy love that happens on those lazy sunday mornings. Chai is my go-to drink at starbucks (light ice soy chai latte, to be exact). So what's better than naming your favorite hobby after two of your favorite things? Anywho, I look forward to sharing more. Please feel free to comment or share.

Don't forget to sip chai and get some cuddle time in.

Until I write again,